Thursday 30 October 2014


Halloween is a holiday in many English speaking countries that is celebrated on the night of October 31st. Children wear costumes and they go to peoples' homes saying Trick or Treat! to ask for candy, sweets in the UK, or lollies in Australia, and then people give it to them. This practice originally involved a threat. A threat is when someone says that they will do something bad if they do not get what they want. In this case the threat could be explained as: "Give me a treat or I will play a trick on you." Children today usually do not play tricks if they do not get treats. However, some children still get up to mischief (pranks or things to make fun of people; like putting toilet paper in trees; writing on windows with soap or throwing eggs at peoples' houses). People sometimes dress up as ghosts, witches, gobins and other scary things for Halloween.

For more Halloween-related videos see this link: Halloween

Monday 27 October 2014


From wild and remote landscapes to vulnerable heroines; from violent and erotic fantasies to supernatural and uncanny happenings; what were the key motifs of Gothic fiction, and how did these works reflect the political, social and cultural contexts in which they were written?

In this link you will find information related to the topics you have to work on for the following lesson. Click on Read More window you have at the end of each topic and you will get access to pictures and information for your writing tasks.

To get directed to the site: Discovering Literature. British library

This other website is for an activity which will take place in class. It's about a webquest. Don't go through it till your teacher tells you so: Halloween webquest

Thursday 23 October 2014


The present continuous verb tense describes present actions happening at the moment of writing or a future plan. The formation of the tense mixes an auxiliary and the gerund form of the verb, that means, the verb ending in '-ing'. The following is a guide to the correct spelling of –ing forms of verbs and gerunds when you make present continuous tenses. The doc you can download is a spelling rules created by one of my ESO2 students.
Thanks a lot, Patricia.

Wednesday 22 October 2014


Can you recall the spelling rules of regular verbs for past and participle? Not well? Okay then. Here you can download the extended rules we have seen in class and work with some activities to check your progress. Don't forget this list is important so that you can make good writing sentences and show you master something you should have already consolidated. Have fun!!
Spelling rules of regular verbs
Exercises spelling regular verbs

Here you can also find tons of exercises about PRESENT PERFECT (regular and irregular verbs, in case you want to practice.
Present Perfect and extension exercises

Monday 20 October 2014


Padres y madres, aquí dejo el guión de cómo preparar la asignatura de inglés en sencillos pasos y con estrategias, a mi entender, muy útiles.Vaya por delante que no son pautas milagrosas sino aquellas que nos permiten maximizar el tiempo de trabajo, pero sin olvidar que necesitamos precisamente eso, trabajo.

Dentro de las características de los alumnos también hay aquellos que tienen un talento innato para los idiomas y que estudiar e inglés no son palabras comunmente asociadas en su lenguaje. Pues bien, para estos alumnos también va dirigido este documento. Para que se puedan extender conocimientos y no quedarnos estancados.
Para descargar el guión ir a los siguientes enlaces:

Guión DOC

Thursday 16 October 2014


Do you want to practice your grammar? Do you think you can give it a hard push? You think you already master what you're doing in class? Try these activities. Find the exercises that best fit your level and you find them challenging. In these links you will find some activities to self-assess your performance and test your level. Do you think you're ready for the exam? Are you ready for a new unit? Have a go!!
Pre-intermediate exercises 1
Pre-intermediate exercises 2
Pre-intermediate exercises 3